Capabilities / Defence
When it comes to monitoring borders or supporting operations on the battlefield, only the highest quality tactical gear is acceptable. In collaboration with our global partnerships, we're providing cutting-edge fibre-optic technologies for use in a variety of military and corporate security applications.
Monitor, locate and respond to boundary breaches in realtime across large distances with Fibre Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing System.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), climatic and mechanical testing and precision calibration to meet fibre optic quality regulations.
Robust renewable solutions for every size and situation, from small home generators to solar farms consulting.
Advanced tools that streamline energy systems beyond our human capabilities — creating unparalleled levels of efficiency.
Rethinking waste management — with cutting-edge biotechnology that boosts the circular economy.
High calibre sensing and tactical solutions powered by the latest defence-grade fibre-optic technology.
Unlock the next level of convenience and intelligent control for bespoke interiors.